St John's Community Day | News

St John's Community Day

On Saturday 7th October we held our community day to celebrate the opening of the St John and St James development as well as the refurbishment of the Church. 

It was a beautiful day filled with fun, connection and a shared sense of belonging; bringing together the local community. It was also a positive reminder of the good CAHA brings to the communities, people we serve and for us all to continue to put our residents at the heart of what we do.

Children from a local primary school Steel Drum Band provided the musical entertainment, which was enjoyed by all in attendance! A small token of our appreciation is being arranged  for all of the children who practiced hard to ensure their performance was a success.

We were also joined by a number of local Haringey Councillors, the Deputy Mayor of Haringey Councillor Ajda Ovat, as well Church Officials and local parishioners.

We were able to source donations from Tesco for raffle prizes and we raise £91 for Caris Harningey; a local charity which provides support for homeless families in temporary accommodation within the local community. 

Thank you to all who had a hand in organising the day as well as those who came out to represent Christian Action on the day.

Let us all continue to live our values Care, Connect, Commit and Champion in order to be the organisation our tenants expect and deserve. 

We hope to have many more events in the future for our residents.

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